Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shortsale Assistance

How can I get out from under the debts on my home?

If the market value of your home is less than what you owe on your current mortgage, you may qualify for a legal, lender approved solution known as a Short Sale. A Short Sale can be accomplished by negotiating with your bank or lending institution to accept a sale of your property to a third party buyer for less than what you currently owe on your mortgage balance.

The short sale of real estate is not a questionable practice in today's softening real estate market, it may be a necessity. The short sale transaction is a legal and much more beneficial alternative to foreclosure or even bankruptcy. Lenders are motivated to accept short sale offers to for a number of good reasons. The short sale of your home can result in a win-win-win situation for all parties involved:

Win #1: You win by getting out of a financial predicament a clean transaction and a salvaged credit score. Your property is saved from foreclosure, thus helping you to save your credit rating. Allowing you home to proceed into foreclosure may adversely affect your credit for up to 7 years.

Win #2: The lender wins by avoiding timely and costly foreclosure proceedings which could lead to an even more costly expense of ownership of the real estate by the by the bank.

Win #3: The buyer of your property wins by getting a solid property at a good market value.


Your Fan said...

Good post on the main blog topic. Short and sweet. Keep up the great work Angel. I like your emphasis on Win Win Win(and Win some more :)

Btw, Any calls or leads from the blog?

~ Your Fan

Angel Lynn as MyShortSaleAngel™ said...

I had one call that said they came off the blog, client just wanted some questions answered on Shortsales. I am getting alot of my current clients asking questions and visiting the blog. I am using my flip camera for the videos it works pretty good. Still learning how to edit but it makes it simple.

Your Fan said...

U did an awesome job editing that short clip! Wow, your first video. Congrats!

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